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Weekend Events


Shadowy Leaves

The Subtle Presence
Meditation and Music
Andrea Boni 
Jack Harrison

Shadowy Leaves
October 2024 Yoga workshop

The Subtle Presence

A 15-hour study and practice on meditation with international teacher Andrea Boni,
Three day 15 Hour Immersion with Andrea Boni.
An evening of music and song with Jack Harrison.


Friday 6.00 PM to 9.00 PM this class is for teachers

There can be numerous ways to guide a meditation session at the end of a yoga class or at a yoga retreat site. It can be theme-based, technique-oriented, breath-based, heart-oriented, and many more.
This masterclass is aimed at exercising your own personal voice as a meditation teacher and examining some of the main challenges your students might face in their practice.

The idea is to provide useful tools to teachers who are willing to enrich their yoga classes with meditation.

Weekend Sat - Sunday: from 10 am to 5 pm
with a short lunch break 60 min open to all

Saturday - DAY 1

Morning session 10am-1pm – The body is your temple, and activating focus

Outer and Inner posture + basic Breath Work (active and receptive breath).

Activate Focus –how to strengthen our capacity to hold a steady focus for an extended period of time without losing sensitivity and gentleness.

Practical exercises plus experience-based tools will be provided to students.

Afternoon session – 2pm – 5pm
The Natural Inward Flow of Consciousness and how to deal with the thought-stream

The main focus will be on allowing the state of our ordinary mind to merge into the natural state of clarity and pure awareness that the Indian tradition calls the Self, or the Inner Heart. In this session we will explore the different layers of our meditative experience that traditionally are called koshas. How to deal with the thought-stream The practice of dealing with thoughts involves equal parts of rigor and subtlety, practice and understanding.

This class will be devoted to spotting our mental and emotional tendencies, residues of habitual thoughts and feelings, and learn how to release them into the inner field of consciousness.

Practical exercises plus experience-based tools will be provided to students.

An evening of song, Celtic mythology and stories with Jack Harrison 7pm – 9.30pm
Must be Booked Separately

Delving into the story of the human condition. The need for conscious self-awareness and the unlimited awareness of one’s infinite connection to the universal. Through the ancient and contemporary mediums of story and song.

Sunday - Day 2

Morning session 10am-1pm
Troubleshooting the main challenges in meditation

Meditation is a perfect laboratory for confronting our obstacles and learning from them. How can we deal with the main challenges in meditation and make a radical change in our practice?

This session is dedicated to examining questions about the meditation practice and using the practices as launching platforms for your inner exploration.

Practical exercises plus experience-based tools will be provided to students.

Afternoon session – 2pm – 5pm
Exploring the Inner Heart Field

Relishing in the gentle presence of the Inner Heart teaches us to see the preciousness of life and be grateful for its abundant gifts.

This class is intended to savour some of the most beautiful meditation practices of the Heart, as instructed in the Yoga and Tantra tradition.

Practical exercises plus experience-based tools will be provided to students.

Props: Journal + pen

Meditation cushion

About Andrea

‘Meditation is one of the fundamental practices of yoga but is the least easy to study and perform. Yet in everyday life there are times when we are present in a simple and accessible way. Meditation teaches us to capture these brief moments and to expand them, increasing the level of inner body attention and revealing what is not needed. Personally, the practice has led me to clearly recognize the character inclinations and patterns that I tend to reproduce as defence mechanisms or when I want to reach an objective. But for me meditation has been much more. It has helped me find a quieter and simpler “me”, beyond identifications or aspirations. A silent presence that always welcomes me without any judgment.

This meditation course is designed to guide students into building a meditative practice that is regular and easy to perform at home, studying the different levels of the process and addressing difficulties as they arise during the practice.’

Andrea is an experienced Anusara Yoga teacher and as such this course is eligible for both Anusara teaching hours and YA CPD hours

About Jack Harrison

Jack Harrison is a founding member of The Celtic School of Yoga and is Ireland’s best-known Yoga musician. He has produced three widely acclaimed yoga albums as well as two other recordings of original music and sea songs. His yoga music is inspired by the great traditions of yoga, integrated with Irish music and inspired by the Celtic tradition and the natural world. He plays regularly at concerts, festivals, retreats, and other yoga events.

Jack Harrison an evening of story and song - this evening must be booked separately.

What to expect
A weekend of deep exploration and practice, exploring yoga, meditation and chanting. With five workshops of meditation or an option of less and an optional evening gathering of story and song.

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