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Weekend Events


Bridget Woods Kramer

June 8th -9th  2024

Spanda - The Throb of Self-Awareness.

Embark on a transformative journey into the depths of your being through an immersive yoga weekend with Bridget Woods Kramer. 


Join Bridget for a mindful and embodied weekend of practice that will guide you back to the very essence of your heart.


Spanda is a Sanskrit word derived from the root word spadi, which means “to move a little". It is usually translated to mean “movement” “motion” or “vibration.” Spanda is regarded as being the pulsing, radiating energy that comes from the absolute or Supreme Consciousness (Brahman). Spanda is a pulsation of energy. Our universe has 2 concurrent energies: contraction and expansion. This pulsation may be seen and felt in all life.  


Internationally renowned yoga teacher Bridget Woods Kramer commenced her yoga practices in India in 1975, embarking on an intense program of study and self-practice to become a senior teacher. She has concentrated on teaching yoga since 1988. Her steady enthusiasm, humour, depth of knowledge and humility set a shining example, and her many students are devoted to her tireless effort and rich understanding.

Bridget will beautifully guide students through movement, breath and meditation to explore and dive deeper into our yoga practices. Observing how each posture is a creative act allowing a sense of spaciousness and a practice full of feeling and expression.   


A limited amount of accommodation is available at the studio apartment , a shared room with three beds and a shared room with two beds all with a shared bathroom €60 and €50 click here to read more


Times :

Saturday morning at 10 am: Enjoy an energising vinyasa flow journey. 

Saturday afternoon, 2 pm: Practice will explore hip openers. 

Sunday morning at 10 am: Enjoy a heart-opening practice exploring backbends. 

Sunday afternoon, 2 pm: The weekend will close with a restorative, slow, nourishing flow. 



All 4 Workshops €155

Three Workshops€120

Two Workshops €85

One workshop €45


Book Here

Blue and White Modern Minimalistic Yoga
Shadowy Leaves

The Subtle Presence
Meditation and Music

Shadowy Leaves

Andrea Boni and
Jack Harrison

The Subtle Presence
Meditation and Music

October 19th - 20th at Studio Eleven


The Subtle Presence - A study and practice course on meditation and an evening of yoga music with Jack Harrison


From Andrea


'Meditation is one of the fundamental yoga practices but often the least easy to study and perform. Yet, in everyday life, there are times when we are present in a simple and accessible way. Meditation teaches us to capture and expand these brief moments, increasing inner body attention and revealing what is unnecessary. Personally, the practice has led me to recognize the character inclinations and patterns that I tend to reproduce as defence mechanisms or when I want to reach an objective. But for me, meditation has been much more. It has helped me find a quieter, simpler "me” beyond identifications or aspirations. A silent presence that always welcomes me without any judgment.


This meditation course is designed to guide students into building a meditative practice that is regular and easy to perform at home, studying the different levels of the process and addressing difficulties as they arise during the practice.’


About Jack Harrison


Jack Harrison is a founding member of The Celtic School of Yoga and is Ireland's best-known Yoga musician. He has produced three widely acclaimed yoga albums and two other recordings of original music and sea songs. His music is inspired by the great traditions of yoga, integrated with Irish music, and inspired by the Celtic tradition and the natural world. He plays regularly at concerts, festivals, retreats, and other yoga events.

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